In Memory

Allen Dortch - Class Of 1974

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08/02/14 11:56 AM #1    

Karen Dortch (Evans) (1983)

I miss you tremendously big brother!!! Soooo many fond memories of you. The Dortch household was ALWAYS full of fun and laughter. My most fondest memory of you was one year during the Thanksgiving holiday, you came home late that Wednesday night hungry. You ate a HUGE turkey leg and tried to flush it down the toilet, as if Momma wouldn't know it was missing. :-) Momma woke up early Thanksgiving morning to finish cooking, went to the bathroom and found the unflushed bone. I was awaken to Momma fussing and laughing all at the same time about the "missing eaten turkey leg that was in the toilet" . You just kept saying with your beautiful pearly white smile" It wasn't me!!". Too funny.... I LOVE YOU!!!!

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